Adoption of AI in Financial Services

Thursday 20th August, 1pm.

Ana Perales (AI and Conception X Lead, Director, Barclays Ventures), Dr Lukasz Szpruch (Reader - the University of Edinburgh, The Alan Turing Institute) and Professor Philip Treleaven (UCL) provide their insight into the future adoption and delivery of artificial intelligence in the financial services industry. The event will be chaired by Adriano Soares Koshiyama (Research Fellow, UCL).

Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Thursday 24th September, 1pm.

Prof. Emine Yilmaz (Computer Science, UCL) and Dr. Franziska Leutner (HireVue) will provide their insight into the pressing area of fairness in and when using automated systems. The event will be chaired by Adriano Soares Koshiyama (Research Fellow, UCL Computer Science).


UCL AI Insights